Biozen Bio-Active Solution
Biozen is a safe biological cleaner containing natural enzymes that kill bacteria and germs. The anti-bacterial enzymes break down germs and micro organisms, and stops problems such as slime, residues and malodours.
Biozen is a water-based cleaning solution that is totally safe for every home and business. It is perfect for cleaning and sanitising any surface from tables to flooring. Any common touch points can be effectively sanitised with Biozen.
Most importantly, Biozen is totally natural, non harsh, alcohol-free and economical.
Contact Cleanbio Hygiene for more details.
Biozen is an advanced bio-active cleaning solution that contains bio enzymes. During use, the bio enzymes rapidly generates good bacteria which in turn eliminate bad bacteria, turning them in CO2 or H2O which are odourless.
This is why Biozen is very effective in treating odour problems. Besides, Biozen continually keeps the treatment area clean and fresh-smelling.
- Biozen rapidly neutralises and suppress odours
- Beneficial bacteria and microorganisms in Biozen destroy harmful bacteria and lowers toxic ammonia or NH3 resurgence
- Biozen breaks down and destroys residual spores and prevents recolonisation occurrence
- Biozen lowers the incidence of infection by harmful bacteria
Key Features
- Water Based, User Friendly, Safe to Handle
- BioDegradable, Eco-Friendly, Phosphate-Free
- Non-Corrosive, Non-Toxic
- Floor Cleanser
- Degreaser
- Deodoriser
- Drainage Treatment & Maintenance
Usage Procedures and Dilution Rates
For Floor/Surface Cleaning and Deodorising
- Add 50ml of Biozen with 10 litres (1:200) of water into a pail and mix well
- Pour the solution into a spray bottle for surface cleaning
- Wipe or mop floor surface
- After cleaning, dispose used mop water into gully trap or sink
For Drainage Pipe and Grease Trap Maintenance
- Pour 125ml to 250ml of Biozen into kitchen sink, toilet shower, floor drain, etc.
- Add 1 cup of warm water to activate Biozen and leave to stand overnight.
- Repeat for 2 or 3 days.
- For problem drains, check for obstruction and repeat daily until resolved before returning to maintenance dosage of 100ml every 2 weeks.
For Carpet, Upholstery, Fabric Cleaning
- Mix 50ml to 5 litres of water for carpet shampooing or spray directly on carpet after cleaning and maintenance.
- For spot cleaning using sprayer, firstly test fabric for colour fastness using a non-faced section. Remove excess solids or liquids. Spray diluted Biozen onto deep soiled areas as a pre-treatment especially for urine, vomit, greasy stains and pet accidents.
- May also soak wet for 30 minutes prior to washing with a preferred laundry detergent.
- For Carpet cleaning Extraction Machines, use dosage of 100ml mixed with 500ml of water.
Odour Eliminator
With Biozen, you can quickly prepare a bottle of deodouriser to treat offensive smell.
- Mix 1 part to 20 parts water (1:20) into spray bottle
- Spray on surfaces with obnoxious odours like refuse containers, sanitary system and animal waste.